Membership FAQs
It appears that there are some issues with the online membership system. Here are a few pointers to help iron out some of the common issues and a change to the way we handle payments by cheque.

Over 1,300 Members
- If you have been a member of COFEPOW previously, when joining online, you must put down that you are a New Member. For the electronic system, this will be the first time of using it – so classed as new. Renewing is for the members who have already joined online and are renewing their membership again.
- You are only allowed to use your email address once. So, if you are joining online for yourself and someone else, you either have to use two different email addresses or join one online and the other by cheque.
- From August 2024, anyone joining/renewing by cheque, must forward their payment to: Graham Robertson, 1 Curlew Close, Watton, Thetford, Norfolk IP25 6TQ. Tel: 07786051573.
- Graham will send out renewal reminders each year around August time, to those that are paying by cheque.
- If you are joining online – renewal date will be the anniversary of the day you joined. If you are joining by paying by cheque, then the renewal date will be August each year.
- The COFEPOW Paypal account has been closed down due to some people joining for a year and then withdrawing the fee they’ve paid, thereby getting a year’s membership and not paying. If you previously joined by Paypal, you will find the payment returned to your bank, so you will then have to join either online or by cheque.