Osarisawa (Hanawa) Branch Camp (Sendai 6-B)
Pows recovered from Hanawa Camp Japan
From about 1944 onwards, until the end of the war, approximately 545 Far East Pows worked down a copper mine owned by Mitsubishi Mining Company, one of the largest in Japan. The camp they were held in was Hanawa pow camp, at the Osarizawa Mine, Sendai No.6 Branch Camp ( situated in the Hanawa valley), isolated away from a town and a few villages Osarisawa (Hanawa) came originally under Tokyo as No. 8 Branch Camp and was later transferred to come under Sendai Pow Camp as No. 6 Branch camp in April 1945.
All the names on the list below were recorded as being held at SendaiThe Sendai No.8 Branch Camp was at the Kosaka Mine

Established as Tokyo No. 8 Branch Camp at Osarisawa-cho, Kazuno-gun, (current Osarisawa-cho, Kazuno City), Akita Prefecture on September 8, 1944. Transferred under the jurisdiction of Sendai POW Camp to be No. 6 Branch Camp on April 14, 1945.
The POWs were used by Mitsubishi Mining Company. 545 POWs (494 American, 50 British and 1 Australian) were imprisoned at the end of the war.8 POWs died while imprisonment.Sendai No.6 Branch Camp (Osarizawa Mine)Sendai No.8 Branch Camp (Kosaka Mine)