The History of the Changi Lychgates (Updated May 2021)
May 2021 Update
December 1942
Built by 18th Division Royal Engineers
A mixture of TA and National Servicemen
Architect & Designer
Captain C D Pickersgill – 287th Field Company RE
Drawings done by
Sapper D B Lawrence
Sapper G C Munton - 560th Field Company RE
Construction under supervision of
L/Cpl T H Whisker - 287th Field Company RE
Sapper R O W Duke – 287th Field Company RE
Sapper H E A Ralph – 288th Field Company RE
Sapper J C Wiggins – 287th Field Company RE
L/Cpl W Marjoram – 251st Field Park Company RE
Sgt W Turkentine – 287th Field Company RE
Sapper G F Spurgin – 287th Field Company RE
Wood Carving
Sapper M N Mercer – 560th Field Company RE
L/Sgt R C Ringer – 287th Field Company RE
On completion
The Lychgate was sited at the entrance to Changi Camp Burial Site where it remained until the re-occupation of Singapore. The graves were then moved from the burial site to Kranji War Cemetery and the Lychgate dismantled and stored.
December 1952
The Lychgate was erected at the entrance to St George’s Garrison Church, Tanglin Barracks, Singapore. Dedicated and blessed by the Chaplain General of the Forces Rev R Yale, the Garrison Chaplain Rev F W H White, and the Preacher, Rev G M R Bennett, who himself had been a POW. The Lychgate remained there until...
April 1971
When it was again dismantled during the rundown and withdrawal of the British Garrison and shipped to England, where it was taken to the Bassingbourn Barracks, near Cambridge.
December 1972
The Lychgate was re-assembled at Bassingbourn and the first Lychgate Re-union was held on 16 December 1972 when a large number of FEPOWs attended.
November 2003
The restored Lychgate was again dismantled and re-erected at the entrance to the Far East Prisoners of War Grove in the National Memorial Arboretum by the 39 Engineers Regiment.
Quote from Don Few BEM – Cambridge Yasuma Club
“To me the Lychgate is typical of a FEPOW. They have both been striped and bashed on more than one occasion, shipped back to England and still going strong. I hope that in its new and final resting place at the entrance to the FEPOW plot every visitor will walk under and read the wonderful inscriptions done in Old English some 60 years ago”.
Previous research by Don Few
December 1942
Built by 18th Division Royal Engineers
Mixture of TA and National Servicemen
Architect & Designer
Capt. C D Pickersgill
Drawings done by
Sappers D Lawrence & J Munton
560th Field Coy RE
Construction under supervision of
Cpl Wisker 288th Field Coy RE
Cpl R Duke 287th Field Coy RE (died 8.2.03)
Cpl R Ralf 288th Field Coy RE
and others whose names are not known
Wood Carving
Sapper Ringer 287th Coy RE
On completion
Sited at entrance to Changi Camp Burial Site where they remained until the re-occupation of Singapore. The graves were then moved from the burial site to Kranji War Cemetery and the Lychgates were dismantled and stored.
Lychgates reassembled
December 1952 - erected at the entrance to St. Georges Garrison Church, Tanglin Barracks, Singapore. Dedicated and blessed by the Garrison Chaplain, Rev F W H White and the Preacher, Rev G M R Bennett, who himself had been a POW.
Moved to UK
April 1971 - during the run down and withdrawal of the British Garrison from Singapore the gates were dismantled, shipped to the UK, and brought to Bassingbourn Barracks.
Reassembly at Bassingbourn
December 1972 - after the gates had been re-assembled at Bassingbourn the first Lychgates Reunion was held there on 16th December 1972. A very large number of ex-FEPOWs attended.

Memorial Services were held at the gates annually for the first 5 years after their assembly at Bassingbourn and then bi-annually until 20th August 1995. All these services were organised by the Cambridge Yasume Club in conjunction with the Army Unit in residence at the time. The upkeep of the gates was also carried out jointly.
A service took place at Bassingbourn on the 8th March 2003 to commemorate the formal transfer of the gates to the care of COFEPOW and the National Memorial Arboretum.
The Changi Lychgates have now been moved for the last time, to take up their permanent resting place in the National Memorial Arboretum at the entrance to the FEPOW plot.