...A.A. Duncan is OK

The final part of a story of survival during WWII '....A A Duncan is OK' is the sequel to 'Notify Alec Rattray...' and completes the story of one war and two captivities: that of a young Scottish soldier held by the Japanese in Java and Japan, as well as his relatives back home in Britain.
Captain Atholl Duncan, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, was taken prisoner in Java in March 1942, aged 23. His fiancee, Elizabeth Glassey, was a final year medical student at St Andrews University. For three and a half years he was held first in Tandjong Priok in Java then Motoyama, Zentsuji and Miyata prison camps in Japan. This new book covers the final two years of their war from January 1944 to January 1946, his diaries detailing his survival through the worst of Zentsuji, and then briefly Miyata, Prisoner of War Camps to the evacuation through Nagasaki just five weeks after the dropping of the second atomic bomb and finally his homecoming in Scotland.
Written by their daughter, Meg Parkes, using Atholl's secret diaries and family correspondence, she lets them tell the story in their own words. The book contains over 160 illustrations - photographs, maps, drawings, cards, letters, documents and lists of names and addresses of fellow British, American, Australian and Dutch prisoners.
ISBN no. 0 - 954142810 - Soft back, 208 pages with over 160 illustrations
Available from :-Kranji Publications, 34 Queens Road, HOYLAKE, Wirral, CH47 2AJ, UK
Tel : 00 44 (0)151 632 2017 Fax : 00 44 (0)151 632 0622Email : mm.parkes@btinternet.com Web site : www.kranji.co.uk
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