Echoes of Captivity (Abridged)

Abridged ‘Echoes of Captivity’ issued
A new version of ‘Echoes of Captivity,’ by Louise Reynolds, has now been reprinted and issued in an abridged version.
The book is full of interviews with families of FEPOWs who have been affected by their fathers’ traumatic experiences whilst held prisoner of war in the Far-East, and contains 15 interviews with sons and daughters who reflect on how they themselves have been affected, whether through breakdowns, depression or even flashbacks. Two interviews with professionals, who look at the trauma and how it was passed down, are also included.
Louise’s father, Padre Cordingly was imprisoned in Changi and up in Thailand, and, as she is a trained psychotherapist, she felt it was appropriate for her to investigate closely the subject of trans-generational trauma within the FEPOW community. Louise commented on the re-issue:
“The abridged book now costs £10 which makes it more accessible and, as I've dedicated it to FEPOW families everywhere, I'd love to give the COFEPOW charity's members an early opportunity to read it. I think the interviews will resonate with their own experiences, which was really my aim". Copies are available for £10 (£12 to include p&p).