From Hell Island To Hay Fever - The Life of Dr Bill Frankland

Paul Watkins is a veterinary surgeon who has, in recent years, been fortunate to pursue a career as a historian and biographer. He has a lifelong interest in both medical and military history and has written widely in both fields. His previous biographical works include Midget Submarine Commander, The Life of Godfrey Place VC, in which it was noted that '...he displays great dexterity in using extensive research and primary sources to produce a very readable account'. He has been extremely privileged to have the opportunity to work closely with Bill Frankland over several years to produce From Hell Island to Hay Fever. He lives in Sandford, Somerset.
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Brown Dog Books (16 Oct. 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1785452657
ISBN-13: 978-1785452659