Postal History of the POWs & Civilian Internees Vol. 1

A Postal History of the Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees in East Asia During World War II. Volume 1 Singapore & Malaya 1942-1945 - The Changi Connection.
Author: David Tett
The ability to communicate with their relatives is one of the precious lifelines for the prisoners in any war. In East Asia in WW2 it was especially critical. It literally provided for many the will to live and the tenuous hold on life in those desperate years.
This book provides for the first time a history of communications between the prisoners and their families.
It is more than just a book on postal history. It provides an insight into the meaning and importance of these communications to those at home and those imprisoned.
In the words of Martin Bell in the foreword to this book "this is a goldmine- the stuff of history- a priceless and universal appendix to so many singular stories".
The work covers all aspects of the mail to and from the prisoners of war and civilian internees:
- arrangements in Australia and Britain for the despatch of mail;
- how the mail was forwarded and distributed;
- the role of the Red Cross;
- the Japanese markings;
- the work of the censors;
- how the prisoners were able to send messages to their families and friends;
- undelivered mails; and
- wreck covers.
The hardback book co-published by BFA Publishing, contains 400 illustrations on 400 pages with 8 colour plates.
How to Order Volume 1
If you would like to order a copy or copies of this book please send a cheque for £41 (£35 + £6 postage and packing) per book to:
BFA Publishing Limited
PO Box 34,
Herts AL4 8JY
Please state that you wish to order 'The Changi Connection'. Cheques payable to BFA Publishing
For further information contact David Tett - Email :